Students Eligibility & Expectations
In this Section

Student Eligibility
- Currently enrolled in an approved program of study offering WBL
- Meet any requirements of that program of study
- Obtain approval from your advisor or Work-Based Learning Coordinator
- Have legal authorization to work in the U.S.
Student Responsibilities
- Complete application
- Locate WBL worksite and go through the employer’s hiring processes.
- Complete orientation quiz prior to the semester census date.
- Set three (3) measurable learning objectives (MLOs).
- Complete 160 hours during the semester in order to earn a grade for this course.
- Complete additional forms as required by your program of study
Student Expectations
- Submit all forms by due dates
- Be prompt, willing, respectful, and positive at your worksite
- Arrange your schedule with the site supervisor at the beginning of the semester
- Respect the confidentiality of the people and businesses being served
- Remember, you are representing yourself and 推荐正规买球平台. Be professional in your interactions
College Central Network
College Central Network is the platform we use for forms submission. You will need to create a College Central Network account once you are in the program.
View the College Central Network Student Setup Instructions.